At Three Points Academy, our students experience academic success while becoming lifelong learners.
Three Points Academy functions as an outreach of Alta Independent High School, a secondary school fully accredited through AdvancED. Alta Independent provides curriculum, counseling, technology and transcript services for Three Points Academy.
At Three Points Academy, students are grouped according to their course needs as identified by an individual graduation plan. A variety of credit is available including core credit and elective credit, initial credit or credit recovery.
Students can move at their own pace through their courses allowing students the time they need to be successful. Accommodations are provided for students with IEPs. SAT and GED prep courses are also available. Life Skills and service-learning are integrated throughout the core.
Three Points Academy incorporates a flex-blended instructional model which includes both online and face-to-face components. Student/teacher ratios at TPA are 1:12. Students work on the online components of their graduation plan in computer labs with face-to-face support of certified teachers and teacher assistants. Students also participate in teacher-led small groups, subject-specific lessons, activities in classrooms, and study breakout rooms. A 13,000 title library, gym, art studio, dance studio, weight room, ball courts, an orchard, garden, and lake extend the learning environment beyond the classroom.
Readiness and progress are assessed through a variety of assessments including reading and math diagnostic tests, pre and post-tests, unit tests, cumulative course end tests and performance-based assessments. Parents are kept abreast of their students' progress through weekly progress reports.
The calendar year is made up of 229 days of school, 9:00-4:00, four days per week, and one day per week to accommodate more involved knowledge application projects, integrated curriculum and extracurricular activities.
To facilitate social development, functioning and independence, the program at TPC offers recreational services that include well-supervised, organized, extracurricular and leisure activities such as fieldtrips, hikes, adventure outings, swimming, fishing, and theaters. As TPC is located in a "university town" students can attend college plays, concerts, art shows, and outreach activities. Students participate in community service projects.
All students participate in daily group sessions and weekly individual therapy, group therapy, and equine therapy. Some students participate in dance/movement therapy. Medication, health and nursing services are also provided.
Admission to Three Points Center begins with an application submitted by parents, some of whom have been working with an education consultant, school district or adoption assistance program, to find a safe and secure residential, therapeutic environment where their children, with disabilities and mental health issues, can participate in intensive therapy, in a safe and secure environment, while maintaining academic progress. Students with IEPs have undergone a rigorous process, at the school and district levels, to find a least restrictive environment.
When the application is received by TPC, parents are contacted by both the program and clinical administration to gather additional information. A team of therapeutic, academic, and residential administrators review the information and school records, including IEPs, to determine if the program is a good fit for the student and to ensure that academic accommodations can be carried out. The student must have been adopted and in need of therapeutic services.
Success in the academic program at TPC is dependent on at least beginning independent study skills and minimum reading levels. A comprehensive assessment is conducted by the clinical team once the student arrives at the center and a person-centered treatment plan is created. A school graduation plan is developed with the future school/district/state in mind. IEP team meetings are held at the direction of the host school district. Exit from the program is recommended when students accomplish their therapeutic treatment goals and objectives.
Students may qualify for admission to the boarding school, on campus, which serves as a "finishing" or transition process. As students are approaching exit, the school counselor of the receiving school can be contacted to facilitate a smooth transition. The average treatment at TPC is approximately fourteen months.