A solid understanding of the foundational basics of the disorder will help prepare for treatment, and know how to find the help you need. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a childhood mental disorder that is characterized by extremely inappropriate social behaviors that span a wide array of interactions that must be present by the age of five. According to Buckener, et al., authors of Child Maltreat, those who are diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder will seem to have more behavioral issues and psychological difficulties than those without. Fortunately, there are several successful methods of treatments that decrease, if not entirely eliminate, problematic behaviors associated with Reactive Attachment Disorder. The following information will enable adopted teens, whether they are engaged in open adoption or closed adoption, find treatment and therapy to help them combat reactive attachment disorder and regain their teen identity. If one’s birth parents are available for consultation or guidance, they could prove to be a valuable source of moral support.
Three Points Center is the very first – and primary – residential treatment center that exclusively deals with the dynamics of the triad of the adopted adolescent, birth parents, and adoptive family. The center cultivates the trusting, healthy relationships between all concerned legs of the family triangle, ensuring better management of the behavior concerns associated with Reactive Attachment Disorder. All of the activities, interventions, and treatment plans of the 360 Degree Approach that the Three Points Center takes are designed to account for the core needs of the adoptive family, rather than on presenting behaviors. Adolescents are never labeled as a “problem,” and esteemed professionals are consulted to better formulate treatment plans that work best for those suffering from Reactive Attachment Disorder.
While there are many treatments options that involve the entire family, adolescents are placed within the residential treatment program. As illustrated by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, the family plays a crucial role in the treatment process. As a result, family members are encouraged to visit at the Three Points Center, since the family serves as a salient part of the healing and treatment process. This also adds to the feeling of elation and success when the adolescent completes the program, as their teen identity will be strengthened and they are able to go home to continue the healing process. Having family there to guide them in this journey is essential and invaluable.
Reactive Attachment Disorder is a serious clinical condition, albeit one that runs more on the rare side when it comes to mental disorders. As such, it must be treated with expertise, a solid background of working knowledge of the issue, and a compassionate approach. Three Points Center understands the importance of these facets of the treatment, and works intensively to ensure your adolescent is well on his or her way to a healthy, whole identity.
Three Points Center is a unique program that serves only adopted children and their families. We specialize in the many different aspects of emotional unrest that adopted children have been known to face, and the therapy and treatment needed to overcome those issues. Call us today at (435) 635-0636.